meet therese


Therese began practicing yoga in 2009 after treatment for breast cancer, initially to build trust in her body again. As she started to achieve growth in her physical practice and abilities, she also became aware of mental and emotional shifts. Her confidence grew as she managed to find fulfillment in all her roles in life: as a mother and a spouse, and also professionally with her career in pharmaceutical research and as a certified yoga instructor and ultimately studio owner. Therese was diagnosed in 2013 with metastatic breast cancer, yet she maintained her dedication to physical and emotional health and most importantly to awareness. Her personal yoga practice continued during chemotherapy and radiation, and the side effects from her medications continue, causing intermittent bone aches and joint pain. She currently maintains dual careers in medical research and development and yoga teaching and training. She has co-owned Yoga Core and More, now Moonbird Yoga since 2011.

Therese’s favorite style of yoga to teach and practice is vinyasa (movement to breath), focusing on stability and strength. Her classes are inspiring and challenging, as she strives to make each class unique and insightful. Her greatest desire in serving her students and yoga community is to create a warm and welcoming environment for all levels of practice, focusing on the openness of yoga and the freedom of expression through breath and movement.